No prior Shiny experience is necessary for participating in this course! However,
we do assume general familiarity with the R programming language. We also ask that you arrive with all necessary software installed / configured. See the MEDS Installation Guide (steps 1 - 7) for detailed instructions.
Before class, you should have:
- R & RStudio installed
- A GitHub profile & git installed / configured
- The required following R packages installed. Install / update them all at once by running the following in your console:
install.packages(pkgs = c( "tidyverse", "shiny", "shinydashboard", "shinyWidgets", "shinycssloaders", "markdown", "DT", "leaflet", "bslib", "thematic", "fresh", "sass", "reactlog", "shinytest2", "palmerpenguins", "lterdatasampler", "gapminder"))
- (Optional, but recommended) Install the Let’s get color blind Google Chrome extension
Reference code
We’ll be building / playing with a number of small apps and dashboards throughout this workshop. The lecture slides include all necessary code, but you may also reference the complete source code for each app on GitHub.
We’ll be creating our own GitHub repositories to house our apps, so you do not need to fork this repo.