EDS 296: Part 5

User-centered design

UX/UI matters

When designing your app, it’s critically important that you consider your user’s needs and how they will interact with your app – it doesn’t matter how innovative you back-end computations are if people don’t understand how to use your app!

Learning Objectives - UX/UI Design

By the end of this section, you should:

have a checklist of considerations to reference each time you build an app

have a general understanding of what web accessibility means and who it can benefit (spoiler alert: it benefits us all!)

know how to make a few small tweaks / updates to your application to make it more accessible for all users

Tips for designing your Shiny apps

Chapters 6 and 7 of Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps provide a list of considerations as you embark on your app-building journey. A few big ones:

  • Simplicity is gold: using the application shouldn’t require reading a manual, and interfaces should be as self-explanatory as possible.
  • Adapt a defensive programming mindset: your app should always fail gracefully and informatively (e.g. provide users with a helpful error message)
  • Build a self-explanatory app: consider the following three suggestions for doing so – (a) remember the rule of least surprise (in UI design, always do the least surprising thing e.g. we often assume that underlined text is clickable, so if you include underlined text in your UI, there’s a good chance a user will try clicking on it). (b) think about progression (design a clear pattern of moving forward for your user), and (c) related to b, make sure that if an input is necessary, it is made clear to your user. Check out the {shinyjs} package for implementing nifty ways to improve the user experience of your shiny apps.
  • Avoid feature-creep: feature-creep is the process of adding features to an app that complicates its usage and maintenance – this includes adding too much reactivity and too much interactivity (e.g. plotly) – interactivity adds visual noise, so it’s best to not make elements interactive if there is no value is gained.

Looking for more resources?

Check out the resources page on the course website for some additional books, videos, and articles on designing effective UIs.

Building accessible apps

Consider web accessibilty guidelines to ensure that your app is usable by all

What is web accessibility?

From the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)’s Introduction to Web Accessibility:

Web accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. More specifically, people can:

perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web

contribute to the Web

Web accessibility encompasses all disabilities that affect access to the Web, including: auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, speech, and visual

Web accessibility also benefits people without disabilities, for example:

people using mobile phones, smart watches, smart TVs, and other devices with small screens, different input modes, etc.

older people with changing abilities due to ageing

people with “temporary disabilities” such as a broken arm or lost glasses

people with “situational limitations” such as in bright sunlight or in an environment where they cannot listen to audio

people using a slow Internet connection, or who have limited or expensive bandwidth

Small changes can lead to tangible increases in functionality for all users

Ensuring that your shiny apps are accessible can feel overwhelming – but considering even a few small changes can have a large impact on user experience.

The following suggestions have been borrowed and adapted from Ch. 6.3 - Web Accessibility from Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps, by Colin Fay, Sèbastien Rochette, Vincent Guyader, & Cervan Girard:

  • Use HTML elements appropriately (e.g. consider hierarchy)

  • Include alt text for graphical elements

  • Consider navigation from a mobility perspective

  • Use colorblind-friendly palettes

In the center, we see a computer monitor with the world wide web symbol on the screen. There is a circle around the computer made up of four smaller circles, each containing on of the following symbols: and eye, a hand with a finger touching something, a human head with a brain, and an ear.

Image Source: Accessibility Stack

Use HTML elements appropriately

Screen readers use HTML elements to understand web page organization. Header elements create hierarchy within a webpage and are used by screen readers (i.e. devices used by those with visual impairments) to understand a page’s organizational structure. An <h1> element is more important (hierarchically speaking) than an <h2>, which is more important than an <h3>, and so on.

# load packages ----

# user interface ----
ui <- fluidPage(
  tags$h1("This is my app's title"),
  tags$h2("Section 1"),
  tags$h3("Sub-section a"),
  tags$h3("Sub-section b"),
  tags$h3("Sub-section c"),
  tags$h2("Section 2"),

# server instructions ----
server <- function(input, output) {}

# combine UI & server into an app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Ideally, you would only have one <h1> element (e.g. your app’s title), a small number of <h2> elements, more <h3> elements, and so on. See the minimal example, to the left.

You should not rely on headers for styling purposes – for example, you should not use a level-one header elsewhere in your app just because you want larger text. Instead, use CSS to increase text size (refer to the Customizing Quarto Websites workshop for instruction on how to construct CSS selectors for styling HTML elements){target=“_blank”}.

Include alt text with all graphical elements

All images and graphical elements should include alternative (alt) text that describe the image and / or information being represented. This text won’t appear in the UI, but is detected and read by screen readers.

Include the alt argument (similar to adding the alt attribute to an HTML element) when using renderPlot() to add alt text to your reactive plots – the alt argument lives outside of the {} but inside the (). For example:

# in your server

    ggplot(data(), aes(x = var1, y = var2)) + 
  }, alt = "Alt text description"

Similarly, use the alt argument within tags$img when adding static images to your app. For example:

# in your UI
tags$img(src = "file/path/to/img",
         width = "100px", height = "100px",
         alt = "Alt text for image")

Tips on writing alt text for data visualizations

A good rule of thumb for writing alt text for data visualizations is alt=“Chart type of type of data where reason for including chart (see this post by Amy Cesal for more). One example:

Bar chart of gun murders per 100,000 people where America's murder rate is 6 times worse than Canada, and 30 times Australia.

alt=“Bar chart of gun murders per 100,000 people where America’s murder rate is 6 times worse than Canada, and 30 times Australia

For more great tips on how and when to use alt text, check out this article by the A11Y Project. For examples of how to construct good alt text, take a peek at this resource by Datawrapper.

Consider UI navigation for those with mobility impairments

For users with mobility impairments, using a mouse to navigate a UI packed with widgets may be challenging – some users may even be exclusively using a keyboard to navigate the web.

Ideally, actions required of your user can be done using a keyboard (e.g. pressing a button in the UI) – however from a new shiny developer standpoint, this may be technically challenging to implement (the authors of Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps suggest the {nter} package for building shiny action buttons that can be triggered by pressing enter, however, at the time of building this workshop, the package source code hadn’t been updated since 2019).

At a minimum, consider spacing out and / or limiting the number of widgets on any given page to make navigation with a mouse as easy as possible.

A computer mouse and keyboard that's animated to show the left mouse button clicking and the left-hand side shift button being pressed.

Use colorblind-friendly palettes

About 1 in 12 males and 1 in 200 females have some form of colorblindness (Wikipedia). Ensuring that your color choices are distinguishable from one another and / or providing an additional non-color-based way (e.g. patterns, shapes) of distinguishing between groups is critical.

There are lots of great colorblind-accessible palettes and resources (check out this one by Alex Phillips, as well as the {paletteer} package, a near comprehensive collection of all R color palette packages). Using the Let’s get color blind Google Chrome extension can help you quickly assess the accessibility of you visualizations / apps.

Four color palette wheels showing the difference in perceived colors for those with normal vision, protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia.

Four different forms of colorblindness. Image Source: Venngage

A user opens up the developer tools pane in Google Chrome and uses the emulation tool to see how readers with various vision deficiencies would see the webpage.

Using Google Chrome’s Let’s get color blind extension to simulate different types of color blindness

End part 5

Up next: streamlining code
