Customizing Quarto Websites

Make your website stand out using Sass & Alternate CSS3 Logo

Published: Oct 10, 2022

Last updated: Oct 16, 2023

Sam Csik |
Data Training Coordinator
National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis

Master of Environmental Data Science |
Bren School of Environmental Science & Management


You should already have a Quarto website (or at least the bones of one) that:

is deployed using GitHub Pages and

contains some content (e.g. text, headings, etc.) for us to customize

Two penguins looking happily up at a Quarto logo 'meteor' that is flying overhead.

Art by Allison Horst

If you first need to get your website up and running, follow along with these step-by-step instructions before moving forward.


When we render a new Quarto site, it converts all of our markdown into HTML and applies a pre-built CSS stylesheet (the Bootswatch Cosmo theme). We can modify the appearance of our website in a number of ways. We’ll learn a bit about the following (but know that this is just a starting point!):

  • Editing the index.qmd YAML – you can apply a pre-built template to give your landing page a sleek and professional appearance (we can further modify this later with some CSS).

  • Editing the _quarto.yml file – here we can easily update our top navigation bar (e.g. add new pages), add a page footer, a favicon, Google Analytics, declare a main font, and more. We can also switch the default theme to a different pre-built Bootswatch theme (by replacing cosmo with an alternative theme name).

  • Defining CSS rules in the styles.css file that comes with every new Quarto site. This allows you to fine-tune the appearance of your site.

  • Creating a .scss file(s) that contains Sass variables to quickly customize your website’s theme – these take the form of $var-name: value; and you can find a list of them in the Quarto documentation.



Combine all of the above!

Approaching this in the following order worked best for me:

  • First, add a template to index.qmd, then fill out as much of the _quarto.yml file as you can/want – this is the easiest way to add some really cool features with minimal effort.

  • Next, create a styles.scss file (name it however you want), link to it in _quarto.yml (this applies your styles to your Quarto site), and define your Sass variables.

  • Finally, make fine-tuned adjustments by defining CSS rules directly in your styles.scss file (you can write CSS in .scss files, but not Sass in .css files).

Working on branches is recommended!

I almost always work on a branch when making changes to my website – this way I can safely test changes before deploying them to my live site.

To create a branch, first ensure that you’re on main by typing either git branch or git status into the RStudio Terminal (either will tell you which branch you’re currently on). If you’re not on main, you can switch by running git checkout main.

Create a local git branch from main by running the following in your Terminal:

Command line/RStudio Terminal
git checkout -b my-new-branch

Push your new local branch to GitHub by running the following in your terminal:

Command line/RStudio Terminal
git push -u origin my-new-branch

You’re now ready to work as normal! Once satisfied with your changes, you can git add, git commit -m "my commit message", and git push (or use the RStudio GUI buttons in the Git tab) your files. Open a pull request from GitHub and merge into main to integrate your changes.

Let’s start styling

So you’ve created your personal website using Quarto…

Quarto gives us an easy-to-use web publishing format to create our personal websites – we can develop in a space that is comfortable (for me, that’s RStudio) and write mostly Markdown syntax (which is rendered as HTML when we build our website). A massive benefit is that these websites already look pretty slick right out of the box.

An example Quarto website styled using the built-in Bootswatch theme, Cosmo and trestles layout template applied

But some additional modifications can make your website stand out from the rest

Alecia Keys, a judge on the TV show, The Voice, excited slams her hands down and stands up saying, 'There is nobody like you!'

Add a template to your index.qmd and edit _quarto.qmd

Turn your landing page (index.qmd) into an “About Page” with a photo

title: "Samantha Csik" # if using a built-in template, this title appears under your photo
image: media/headshot.jpg # great spot for your professional headshot :) 
toc: false # remove "On this page" table of contents
  template: trestles # see other templates at
  image-shape: round
  image-width: 20em
    - icon: linkedin # you'll need to the fontawesome extension to include icons:
      text: LinkedIn
    - icon: twitter
      text: Twitter
    - icon: github
      text: GitHub
    - icon: envelope
      text: Email

Run quarto preview in your terminal window to view changes in near real time – each time you save your work, the preview will update in your browser.

Without an About Page template

With the trestles About Page template

Use the about option in the YAML section of index.qmd to turn your landing page into an About Page – supply it with one of five template options (here, I chose trestles). It is not necessary to do this (you can fully build/customize your web page layout using CSS), but it’s a fast way to create a clean, professional-looking landing page. NOTE: Any of your web pages can be turned into an About Page.

The links option under about allows you to create buttons underneath your landing page photo. You need to supply a text (as you’d like it to appear on the button) and/or an icon, as well as an href (a URL or file path to another page or file) for your button to redirect to.

You’ll need to install the Quarto fontawesome extension if you’d like to include icons throughout your site (including your About Page buttons). Run quarto install extension quarto-ext/fontawesome in your RStudio Terminal, which downloads the extension files and saves them to your project directory (you should see a new folder, _extensions/quarto-ext/fontawesome/ in your project directory). NOTE: You’ll need to install this for each project where you’d like to use fontawesome icons.

Update your navbar in _quarto.yml

Any edits you want to make to your navbar happen under the website: > navbar: option in your _quarto.yml file.

  type: website
  output-dir: docs

    title: "Samantha Csik" # this is the website title as it appears in the top left corner -- clicking on this will jump you back to your landing page from where ever you are
    right: # align navbar items to the right/left/center
      - href: index.qmd
        text: Home # use 'text' option to update the name as you want it to appear in your navbar
      - about.qmd
      - href: resources.qmd
        text: Resources
      - href: cv/myCV.pdf
        text: CV
      - icon: github # add icons that link to social media, etc.
      - icon: twitter

    theme: cosmo
    css: styles.css
    toc: true

Right/center/left align your navbar contents using the website: > navbar: > right/center/left: option. Add navbar pages as an indented list beneath this option.

Navbar page names will appear the same as the title given to each .qmd file (e.g. in the YAML of about.qmd, the title option has the value About, and therefore appears in the navbar as “About”). You can update the name as it appears in your navbar by providing the text option when linking your new page in _quarto.yml (see “Home” and “Resources” pages as examples).

Link your resume or CV by providing a file path to the pdf in href (e.g. href: file/path/to/CV.pdf) and the text as you’d like it to appear in your navbar (see example provided). This will open up the browser-based pdf viewer when clicked. Be sure to provide the text option with the title as you’d like it to appear in your navbar.

Add a favicon & personal logo in _quarto.yml

A favicon is a small icon used on web browsers to represent a website or a web page. Get creative and use a custom favicon that complements your personal logo.

  type: website
  output-dir: docs

  favicon: file/path/to/image.png
    title: false # change this to false!
    logo: file/path/to/logo.png
    logo-alt: "Alt text for logo"
      - href: index.qmd
        text: Home 
      # ~ additional YAML excluded for brevity ~

    theme: cosmo
    css: styles.css
    toc: true
    page-layout: full

Create your own logo using the free Adobe Express Logo Maker to include in the top left corner of your website (clicking on this will take you back to your site’s landing page) – provide Adobe with a little info about yourself, and it’ll return a bunch of AI-generated logos for you to choose from and customize further. I used this service to also create my favicon. Tip: You can download logos with a transparent background so that they can be placed anywhere on your site without having to deal with mismatched background colors. I also recommend making them as large as possible before downloading – doing so may circumvent having to adjust the logo size using CSS.

Checkout other website tools

Explore the Quarto documentation to learn more about enabling Twitter Cards, Google Analytics, Open Graph protocol, and more.

Use a Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet () to define variables and quickly customize your website’s appearance

What is Sass?

Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets

  • Sass is a CSS extension (provides additional features, like variables)
  • Sass is a CSS preprocesser (converts Sass code into standard CSS because browsers can’t interpret Sass)

I know it might feel like we’re getting ahead of ourselves a bit here, but bear with me!

Sass helps to reduce repetition

Sass extends existing CSS features in a number of exciting ways, but importantly reduces repetition. For example, let’s say you’re working on a website/web page that uses three main colors:

You might imagine how often you’ll need to type those HEX codes out as you developing your stylesheet…it can get annoying rather quickly.

Define Sass variables to reduce repetition

Sass allows us to define variables (in the form $var-name: value;) for our colors to reference instead of writing out their HEX codes each time. This makes your stylesheet more readable and easier to update (e.g. only need to change HEX codes in one spot, not multiple!).

Example stylesheet
/* -- define Sass vars --*/
$darkblue: #053660;
$teal: #147C91;
$darkgray: #333333;

/*-- use vars in CSS rules (we'll learn more about how to write CSS soon!) --*/
h1 {
  font-color: $darkblue;

.button-styling {
  background: $teal;
  color: $darkblue; 
  border-color: $darkgray;

Note: Sass has two syntaxes – SCSS syntax (.scss), shown above, is the most common. It stands for Sassy Cascading Stylesheets

Quarto automatically compiles Sass

Recall: Web browsers can interpret CSS ( .css) but not Sass ( .scss or .sass). Typically, you’d need to compile (aka convert) Sass to CSS, then link the resulting .css file in your HTML.

Lucky for us, Quarto compiles the contents of a .scss file into CSS without any extra steps – meaning we can include a .scss file directly in our website’s _quarto.yml file.

Let’s create our website’s .scss stylesheet.

Create a .scss file for your website

1. Create a .scss file in the root directory of your website’s repo using the touch command in the RStudio Terminal (alternatively, use New Blank File > Text File in the Files pane):

Command line/RStudio Terminal
touch styles.scss # name it whatever you want (you can apply more than one stylesheet to your website)

2. Add the /*-- scss:defaults --*/ region decorator to the top of styles.scss (required by Quarto) – you’ll write all your Sass variables underneath this.

/*-- scss:defaults --*/

3. Apply your styles.scss stylesheet to your website by updating the _quarto.yml under the format section:

   # ~ additional YAML omitted for brevity ~

  # ~ additional YAML omitted for brevity ~
      - styles.scss
    toc: true

Define some color variables

Let’s first define the colors we want to use throughout our site. For me, that looks like this:

/*-- scss:defaults --*/

// Colors
$dark-green: #858E79;
$light-green: #D1D9CE;
$cream: #FDFBF7;
$gray: #64605f;
$purple: #9158A2;
$orange: #ad7237;

You can also define values with units, e.g. $my-font-size: 25px; or $my-width: 500px;.

Note: In .scss files, // denote single line comments. Multi-line comments start with /* and end at the next */.

Use your color variables as values for Quarto’s Sass variables

Quarto provides a list of Sass Variables that can be specified within .scss files. Let’s use our newly minted Sass color variables to change things like the background color, navbar & footer colors, hyperlink color, and more.

/*-- scss:defaults --*/

// Colors
$dark-green: #858E79;
$light-green: #D1D9CE;
$cream: #FDFBF7;
$gray: #64605f;
$purple: #9158A2;
$orange: #ad7237;

// Base document colors
$navbar-bg: $cream; // navbar
$navbar-fg: $dark-green; // navbar foreground elements
$navbar-hl: $purple; // highlight color when hovering over navbar links
$body-bg: $light-green; // page background 
$body-color: $gray; // page text 
$footer-bg: $cream; // footer 
$link-color: $purple; // hyperlinks 

// Inline code
$code-bg: $cream; // inline code background color
$code-color: $purple; // inline code text color

// Code blocks
$code-block-bg: $cream; // code block background color

Okay, tell me that that doesn’t already look so much better?!

You don’t have to create a theme entirely from scratch! If you like parts of a pre-built Bootswatch theme (e.g. cosmo), you can modify it by layering on your desired updates. See the Quarto documentation for more details.

# additional metadata excluded for brevity ~

      - cosmo
      - styles.scss
    toc: true
    page-layout: full

Import and apply new fonts

Explore Google fonts

With Quarto, we can define a primary font directly in our _quarto.yml file:

      - styles.scss
    mainfont: yourFontHere
    toc: true

To do so, we first need to choose and import our font(s). Start by exploring the many fonts available at

Selecting a Google font(s)

1. Once you’ve found a font you’d like to use, scroll down to the Styles section of that font’s page – here you’ll (typically) find a number of different weights (e.g. thin, light, regular, bold) and styles (e.g. italic). Click on the + button, , to the right of the style you want. In this example, I choose Nunito in the Light 400 and ExtraBold 800 styles, though you can choose as many fonts and styles to import as you’d like. Note: You must import a higher weight font style if you plan to use bolded text.

2. Click on the View selected families button, , in the top right corner to see all of your selected fonts. Under the Use on the web section, select the radio button for @import and copy everything between the <style> </style> tags (starting with @import and ending with ;) to your clipboard.

Importing a Google font(s)

To import a font, paste your copied clipboard into styles.scss under /*-- scss:defaults --*/

/*-- scss:defaults --*/

// Import fonts
@import url(';800&display=swap');

// Colors
$dark-green: #98A08D;
$light-green: #D1D9CE;
$cream: #FDFBF7;
$gray: #64605f;
$purple: #AE8BD1;
$orange: #ad7237;

// Base document colors
$navbar-bg: $cream; // navbar
$navbar-fg: $dark-sage-green; // navbar foreground elements
$navbar-hl: $purple; // highlight color when hovering over navbar links
$body-bg: $light-sage-green; // page background 
$body-color: $gray; // page text 
$footer-bg: $cream; // footer 
$link-color: $purple; // hyperlinks 

// Inline code
$code-bg: $cream; // inline code background color
$code-color: $purple; // inline code text color

// Code blocks
$code-block-bg: $cream; // code block background color

Using a Google font(s)

To apply an imported font as a primary font, update _quarto.yml with the font name.

      - styles.scss
    mainfont: Nunito
    toc: true
    page-layout: full

If you plan to use multiple fonts, you can create Sass variables for each font type, then use those variables as you construct your CSS rules. For example, this slide deck uses three fonts (Sanchez, Montserrat, and Roboto Mono):

// Import fonts
@import url('');

// Fonts
$font-family-serif: 'Sanchez', serif; 
$font-family-sans-serif: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; 
$font-family-monospace: 'Roboto Mono', monospace;

You must import a higher font weight (e.g. 800), in addition to your standard “regular” weight, if you wish to bold text – even bolding text using markdown syntax (e.g. **this text is bold**) will not work unless a higher font weight style is imported).

With just a few YAML additions and a handful of Sass variables, we’ve already really transformed the appearance of our website. Next up: refining.

Enter HTML and CSS

In order to really fine-tune the appearance of our site, we need to dive a bit into the world of HTML and CSS.

The CSS 3 and Sass logos

We’re going to spend a few minutes first learning about what makes a web page…look like a web page, then apply what we learn to our own Quarto sites.

HTML & CSS are the building blocks of web pages

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a markup language1 that tells web browsers how to structure web pages. You can think of HTML as the skeleton of a web page. It gives authors the means to create elements like headings, text, tables, lists, add media, etc.

Source: Adapted from Nicolas Karasiak

1Markdown and R Markdown are both lightweight markup languages – they’re a bit easier for humans to write and read than HTML. HTML is more expressive and allows for customization that is difficult or impossible to do in Markdown.

HTML & CSS are the building blocks of web pages

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a programming language that allows you to control how HTML elements look on a web page. You can think of CSS as the outfit that is styling the skeleton. It allows authors to control aspects such as the colors, layout, and font style.

Source: Adapted from Nicolas Karasiak

Your browser has its own internal style sheet to render HTML

Your browser will style HTML documents using an internal style sheet, which ensures that headings are larger than normal text, links are highlighted, lists and tables are structured correctly, etc.


Browser default styling

CSS adds pizzazz to web page renderings

CSS allows website developers to add additional styling to web browser defaults. Otherwise, websites would be pretty boring to look at (and they’d all generally look the same).

Browser default styling

CSS styling

A light introduction to HTML HTML 5 Logo

HTML consists of a series of elements

Elements comprise start tags and end tags that render some form of content in a particular way.

The basic anatomy of an HTML element:

In Markdown syntax, this HTML element would be written as:
# Welcome to your website customization workshop

Note: Some HTML elements have no content (e.g. the <br>, or “break” element) – these are called empty elements and do not have an end tag.

Commonly used HTML tags

Browse a complete list of HTML tags.

Tag What it does
<div></div> defines a division or section in an HTML document
<h1></h1> create a first-level heading (largest)
<h6></h6> create a sixth-level heading (smallest)
<p></p> begin a new paragraph
<strong></strong> bold text
<em></em> italicized text
<img></img> present an image
<a></a> define a hyperlink
<br> add a line break (empty element)
<span></span> an inline container used to markup part of a text or document

HTML elements can be nested

Remember to close out tags from the inside-out to avoid unexpected renderings.

Nested HTML elements:

In Markdown syntax, this HTML element would be written as:
# Welcome to your **website customization** workshop

Important: Take extra care to never skip (or incorrectly type) an end tag! Some elements will still display correctly if you forget an end tag, but you cannot rely on this. Forgotten end tags will cause you headaches as you try troubleshoot unexpected results and errors Face Grin Beam Sweat .

HTML attributes can be used for targeted styling

Attributes provide extra information about elements. They are always specified in the start tag and usually come in value/name pairs (e.g. attributeName="attributeValue").

Attributes can be used for targeted styling with CSS (e.g. class or id attributes) – more on this soon.

Let’s take a look at some HTML

You can use any text editor to write HTML, but the following steps assume you’re working in RStudio (you can continue to work on your branch in your website’s project directory).

1. In the RStudio Terminal, use the touch command (alternatively, use New Blank File > Text File in the Files pane) to create an HTML file (for simplicity, I did this in my project’s root directory), then choose Open in Editor.

Command line/RStudio Terminal
touch practice-html.html

2. Type or copy/paste the following into your practice-html.html file:

<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- All HTML docs start with a doc type declaration-->
<html> <!-- This tag represents the root of the HTML doc -->
 <!-- Write any metadata about the HTML doc here (inluding the link to an external CSS file) -->
  <!-- Write all the contents of the HTML doc here -->
  <h1>Here is my level one header</h1>
  <p>Here is my first paragraph</p>
  <p>Here is my second paragraph, where you can read more about <a href="">MEDS</a>.</p>
  <p>This is very important text!</p>

Click Preview to render the HTML

markdown makes it easy to “write” HTML

Quarto (.qmd) files allow us to write markdown, then Render that markdown as HTML (we can also write HTML directly in .qmd files).

1. Now, use the touch command (or New Blank File > Quarto Doc… in the Files pane) to create a new .qmd file.

Command line/RStudio Terminal
touch practice-markdown.qmd

2. Type or copy/paste the following into your practice-markdown.qmd file:

# Here is my level one header

Here is my first paragraph

Here is my second paragraph, where you can read more about [MEDS](

This is very important text!

Click Render to render the markdown as HTML (it will render it as a web page if you’re in your website’s project directory)

A light introduction to CSS

CSS is a rule-based language

CSS is a rule-based language, meaning that it allows you to define groups of styles that should be applied to particular elements or groups of elements on a web page. For example, “I want all level one (<h1>) headings to be green text with a bit of extra space between each letter” could be coded as:

Selectors select the HTML element(s) you want to style (e.g. level one headings, <h1>)

Declarations sit inside curly brackets, {}, and are made up of property and value pairs. Each pair specifies the property of the HTML element(s) you’re selecting (e.g. the color property of the element <h1>), and a value you’d like to assign to that property (e.g. green)

A property and its corresponding value are separated by a colon, :. Declarations end with a semicolon, ;

There are a number of different CSS selector types

The next few slides review just a few basic CSS selector types for styling HTML elements – these will get you far in your website customization journey (but check out you can learn more about all the different categories of CSS selectors here):

Element selectors

Grouping selectors

ID selectors

Class selectors

Universal selector

Inline styling (not a selector type, but an alternative way to apply CSS styling)

Select an element(s) based on its tag

Any HTML element can be used as a selector. The declarations specified apply to all HTML elements of that type.


h1 {
  color: green;
  letter-spacing: 5px;


<h1>My level one header will be styled</h1>
<h2>This level two header will not be styled</h2>
<p>Neither will this paragaph</p>
<h1>But this second level one header will be</h1>


Group multiple element selectors together (separated by commas) if you want them all styled the same way.


h1, h2, p {
  text-align: center;
  color: purple;


<h1>My level one header will be styled</h1>
<h2>This level two header will be styled</h2>
<h3>This level three header will not be styled</h3>
<p>This paragraph will be styled</p>


Target element(s) using HTML attributes

An ID selector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to style that specific element. IDs must be unique within a page and therefore can only be used to select and style one unique element. ID selectors are written using a # followed by the selector name, e.g. #selector.


#para1 {
  color: red;
  text-align: center;


<p id="para1">My first paragraph is styled</p>
<p>But my second paragraph is not</p>


A class selector uses the class attribute of an HTML element to style that specific element. Class selectors are written using a . followed by the selector name, e.g. .selector. HTML elements can have more than one class, e.g. <p class="class1 class2">


.blue-italicized {
  color: blue;
  font-style: italic;


<p class="blue-italicized">My first paragraph is styled</p>
<p>But my second paragraph is not</p>


If you’re like me, you’ll probably find yourself using class selectors most often!

Select all elements or style inline

The universal selector selects all HTML elements on the page. It is written using only an asterisk, *.


* {
  text-align: center;
  color: orange;


<h1>My level one header will be styled</h1>
<h2>This level two header will be styled</h2>
<p>This paragaph will also be styled</p>


The style attribute may be used inline to apply unique styles to a single element. It’s best practice to use these sparingly as it mixes content (HTML) with presentation (CSS) and cannot be reused with other elements like defined CSS rules can.

HTML with inline styling

<p>This is a normal paragraph</p>
<p style="color: red; font-style: italic;">This paragraph has inline styling</p>
<p>Here, only the word <span style="color: red; font-style: italic;">paragraph</span> is styled</p>


Note: You can also use the <span> tag to apply class or ID selectors to part of an element (e.g. let’s say I have a class selector, .blue-text{color: blue;}. I can target parts of HTML elements using this selector in conjunction with the <span> tag: <p>In this sentence, only the word <span class="blue-text">blue</span> is styled.</p>)

Conflicting CSS rules?

It is often the case that more than one CSS rule will point to the same element. For example, say you have a style sheet and HTML that look like the following:


* {
  color: orange;

h1 {
  color: blue;

.green-text {
  color: green;


<h1>This is my header</h1>
<p>This is my paragraph with <span style="green-text">some green text</span></p>

In this case, we have a universal selector that styles all of our text orange, but we also have an element selector that colors our <h1> elements blue and a class selector that is applied inline to color a subset of text green. How do you know which style will be declared and applied to each of our HTML elements?

The highest specificity value “wins”

Specificity can be complicated (especially when you consider all the other types of selectors we haven’t covered in these slides). For the purposes of this workshop and getting started on your CSS journeys, a general rule of thumb is as follows: Inline styles are the most specific and will override ID selectors, which will override class selectors, which will override element selectors, etc. The order that rules are written in your stylesheet matters as well – since rules are read top to bottom, a directly competing rule farther down your stylesheet will take precedent.

Inline Styles


Class Selectors

Element Selectors

Universal Selectors

Exercise: practice writing CSS (1/3)

1. Return to your R Project (where you created your practice-html.html file). In the RStudio Terminal, use the touch command to create a CSS file in the same location as your html file:

Command line/RStudio Terminal
touch practice-styles.css

2. Link your CSS file inside the <head> of your HTML file (read more about inserting style sheets here).

<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- All HTML docs start with a doc type declaration-->
<html> <!-- This tag represents the root of the HTML doc -->
 <!-- Write any metadata about the HTML doc here (inluding the link to an external CSS file) -->
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="practice-styles.css"> 
  <!-- Write all the contents of the HTML doc here -->
  <h1>Here is my level one header</h1>
  <p>Here is my first paragraph</p>
  <p>Here is my second paragraph, where you can read more about <a href="">MEDS</a>.</p>
  <p>This is very important text!</p>

Exercise: practice writing CSS (2/3)

3. Write some CSS selectors in your practice-styles.css file and save. Update your HTML file as necessary (e.g. using class selectors) to apply your styles and Preview practice-html.html to see the updates. Some suggestions:

(a) create an <h1> element selector that styles the background color to something of your choosing (hex and rgb codes allowed!), rounds the edges of the background box, increases the spacing between each letter, and centers the text on the page,

(b) create an element selector that changes the color of hyperlinked text and italicizes it

(c) create a class selector that you can use to color your first paragraph (“Here is my first paragraph”) blue,

(d) create a class selector to that you can use to color your third paragraph (“This is very important text!”) red and enlarge the font size (try 20px),

(e) use your class selector from Step c inline to color just the word “very” (in your third paragraph) blue

It’ll be especially helpful to explore this list of available CSS properties.

(One) solution on next slide!

Exercise: practice writing CSS (3/3)

Below is one solution – yours may look different!

/* ------- element selectors ------- */

/* style level one headers */
h1 {
  background-color: #49bf96;
  border-radius: 25px;
  letter-spacing: 5px;
  text-align: center;

/* purple italicized hyperlinks */
a {
  color: purple;
  font-style: italic;

/* ------- class selectors ------- */

/* blue text */
.blue-text {
  color: blue;

/* large red text */
.important-text {
  color: red;
  font-size: 30px;
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- All HTML docs start with a doc type declaration-->
<html> <!-- This tag represents the root of the HTML doc -->
 <!-- Write any metadata about the HTML doc here (inluding the link to an external CSS file) -->
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="practice-styles.css">
  <!-- Write all the contents of the HTML doc here -->
  <h1>Here is my level one header</h1>
  <p class="blue-text">Here is my first paragraph</p>
  <p>Here is my second paragraph, where you can read more about <a href="">MEDS</a>.</p>
  <p class="important-text">This is <span class="blue-text">very</span> important text!</p>

Okay, that’s cool…but what about Quarto?

A styles.css file is automatically generated when you create a new Quarto site

We can write our CSS rules in styles.css, but alternatively, we can write them directly in our styles.scss file (remember, you can write CSS in a .scss file but you can’t write Sass in a .css file).

You can delete styles.css if you don’t plan to use it, or leave it be (it’s easy to create a new one using the touch command in your terminal).

Create a section for defining CSS rules in styles.scss

To start defining CSS rules in styles.scss you first need to add the /*-- scss:rules --*/ region decorator beneath your Sass variables section:

/*-- scss:defaults --*/

// Fonts
@import url(';800&display=swap');

// Colors
$dark-green: #98A08D;

// additional Sass variables omitted for brevity ~

/*-- scss:rules --*/

Next, we’ll walk through some examples of how to modify your site with your own CSS rules.

Determine which element you want to style

Let’s say I want to similarly style (add spacing between each letter, increase the font weight, make a dark green color) the following text on my website:

On my landing page, I want to style my name, “Samantha Csik”, and the three section headers, “Hi there!”, “Education”, and “Experience”

On my About page, I want to style the page title, “About”

On my Resources page, I want to style the page title, “All of my favorite resources!”

But what if I don’t know what HTML element type this is? Inspect!

Using the Inspect tool is a great way to get a better sense of how CSS is used to modify particular HTML elements (this works with any web page, and also your locally hosted website preview).

In your website preview, right click on an element of interest (in this case, let’s start with my name, “Samantha Csik”) and choose Inspect to pull up the underlying HTML & CSS files.

Hovering your mouse over different lines of HTML highlights the corresponding element on your webpage.

My name is an <h1> element

Note: This <h1> element also has a class title – more on that in a minute.

My landing page sections, “Hi there!”, “Education” and “Experience”, are <h2> elements

My About page and Resource page titles are <h1> elements

Note: These <h1> elements also have a class, title– we’ll come back to that shortly.

Write a CSS grouping selector to style <h1> and <h2> elements

Here, we have a grouping selector that targets all <h1> and <h2> elements – it increases both the spacing between each letter and it colors those text elements dark green.

/*-- scss:defaults --*/

// Colors
$dark-green: #858E79;

// other variables omitted for brevity ~

/*-- scss:rules --*/

h1, h2 {
  letter-spacing: 5px;
  color: $dark-green;

No CSS styling on h1 and h2 headers

With CSS styling on h1 and h2 headers

I don’t need to make any changes to the HTML (in index.qmd, about.qmd, and resources.qmd since this grouping selector targets all <h1> and <h2> elements across my site. If an element on any of my pages has either of those tags, it will get styled according to the declarations included in our CSS rule.

We can modify existing class (or ID) selectors

Earlier, we noted that the page titles (“Samantha Csik” on the landing page, “About” on the About page and “All my favorite resources!” on the Resources page), are all <h1> elements and also are given the class, title (e.g. <h1> class="title">All of my favorite resources!</h1>).

The Quarto framework has already defined a class selector called .title and applied that class to the above elements. We can modify it however we’d like. For example, let’s color any text elements that are assigned the class .title red:

/*-- scss:defaults --*/

// Colors
$dark-green: #858E79;

// other variables omitted for brevity ~

/*-- scss:rules --*/

h1, h2 {
  letter-spacing: 5px;
  color: $dark-green;

.title {
  color: red;

In this case, I don’t need to make any changes to the HTML (in index.qmd, about.qmd, and resources.qmd) since those <h1> elements are already assigned the class, title.

What about <h1> elements that are not assigned the title class?

Let’s write a couple of other elements that are not assigned the title class to see what happens. I’ll do this on my About page:

title: "About"

<h1>this is an `<h1>` element</h1> # alternatively, you can write <h1> elements using markdown (`# this is an `<h1>` element`)

<h1 class="title">this is an `<h1>` element of class `title`</h1>

<p>this is a `<p>` element</p>

<p class="title">this is a `<p>` element of class `title`</p>

Class selectors allow us to customize exactly how CSS rules apply to particular elements. In this example, only <h1> elements that are assigned the class, title, are colored red. Any <h1> elements that are not assigned the class, title, are styled according to our h1, h2 {} element selector.

We can apply the title class to any text element. In this example, we apply it both to an <h1> element and a <p> element.

We can write and apply our own class selectors

Let’s first create two different classes: one to center text on the page, and another to color text orange. Then, we’ll add elements to our Resources page to test out our new class selectors:

/*-- scss:defaults --*/

// Colors
$dark-green: #858E79;
$orange: #ad7237;

// other variables omitted for brevity ~

/*-- scss:rules --*/

h1, h2 {
  letter-spacing: 5px;
  color: $dark-green;

.title {
  color: red;

.center-text {
  text-align: center;

.orange-text {
  color: $orange;

Here, I’m creating three paragraphs – (1) a paragraph that is assigned just the .orange-text class, (2) a paragraph that is assigned just the .center-text class, and (3) a paragraph has no classes.

What happens if you create your custom subtitle using an <h1> tag instead of <p>? Why do you think this happens?

title: "All my favorite resources!"

<p class="orange-text">This paragraph is orange.</p>
<p class="center-text">This paragraph is centered.</p>
<p>This paragraph has no styling.</p>

Class selectors take the form .selector-name {}

Unlike element selectors, class selectors must be applied to the elements that we want to style, e.g. <h1 class="selector-name">Content</h1>

Elements can have more than one class selector

Using the same element selectors as in our previous example:

/*-- scss:defaults --*/

// Colors
$dark-green: #858E79;
$orange: #ad7237;

// other variables omitted for brevity ~

/*-- scss:rules --*/

h1, h2 {
  letter-spacing: 5px;
  color: $dark-green;

.title {
  color: red;

.center-text {
  text-align: center;

.orange-text {
  color: $orange;

Let’s add a couple more paragraphs to try out using more than one class selector on a particular element:

title: "All my favorite resources!"

<p class="orange-text">This paragraph is orange.</p>
<p class="center-text">This paragraph is centered.</p>
<p>This paragraph has no styling.</p>
<p class="center-text orange-text">This paragraph is centered and orange.</p>
<p class="orange-text">**This paragraph is orange and bolded using markdown syntax, though you can also write and apply a selector to bold text.**</p>

HTML elements can have more than one class, e.g. <p class="class1 class2 class3 etc">

Quarto also provides its own syntax for applying classes to elements

You can create both divs (block-level regions of content) and spans (inline content) using Quarto’s syntax. For example:


# Quarto syntax
::: {.my-selector}
Some element (e.g. text) to style
# HTML syntax
<div class="my-selector">
  Some element (e.g. text) to style


# Quarto syntax
Some text with just [this section]{.my-selector} styled

# HTML syntax
<p>Some text with just <span class="my-selector">this section</span> styled</p>

You can mix and match syntaxes in .qmd files

I tend to use a mix of both approaches (HTML & Quarto syntax). For example:

title: "All my favorite resources!"

<p class="orange-text">Here is some orange text.</p>

<p>And here is some normal text beneath it.</p>

[Here is more orange text written using Quarto's syntax]{.orange-text}

Also note that I do not need to wrap this text in the `<p>` tag in order for it to render as normal text. `.qmd` files allow us to seamlessly blend markdown syntax with HTML.

You’ll notice the []{} and ::: {} ::: syntax throughout Quarto’s documentation, and also if you explore the source code of other Quarto websites/presentations/etc. You don’t need to use it, but it helps to know what it is when you see it!

Lightbulb Get inspired

Styling your website can be challenging

^ How I feel most of the time while trying to write CSS

For me, it’s a lot of it is trial and error. Inspecting your website can take patience and persistence to figure out how exactly to target your desired element. Some things that have helped me:

  • re-rendering often to ensure your Sass/CSS is working as expected
  • Google! (lots of queries that look like, “CSS underline text”, “CSS rounded corners”, etc.)
  • W3 Schools – seriously such a valuable resource (especially their interactive tutorials)
  • drawing inspiration (and borrowing source code) from other webpages

Check out source code (specifically the stylesheets) of other sites

Learn from others! Exploring the source code for other websites, presentations, etc. is, in my opinion, critical for learning this new skill and applying it to your own work.

More and more Quarto websites are popping up all the time – Twitter is (or at least was…) a great spot to find folks sharing their sites (I’ll never stop obsessing over Maya Gans’ Quarto site). You can also explore the source code and stylesheets for Quarto presentations (cough cough, like this very presentation), books, and more. My approach for getting started: Find a page element that you like and look at the HTML. Identify the HTML tag (e.g. <h1>) and if it has any additional selectors (e.g. class or ID selectors). Head over to the stylesheet and search for any relevant selectors to see how they were created.

And don’t limit yourself to Quarto sites! Check out The Distillery Showcase, which links to a long list of websites built with R’s distill package (Note: the distill framework is a bit different – when exploring .css files, look for CSS selectors beneath the section /*-- Additional custom styles --*/).

Inspecting web pages allows you to temporarily “edit” CSS

Play around with selectors and update declaration values (or add/remove declarations) while inspecting your website. This allows you to try out styles before actually hard-coding them, and also helps you identify exactly which elements different selectors are manipulating. It can sometimes take a little digging in the Inspect pane to find what you’re looking for. Note that these changes are only temporary – refreshing your web browser will revert your site back to its original state.

Take advantage of interactive tutorials

W3Schools has tons of great examples and interactive tutorials for learning CSS. Touching (and breaking) code is one of the best ways to learn!

Happy Styling!

This is a Quarto Presentation. To learn more, visit

If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.