EDS 123: Lecture 1

Today’s topic here

Week 1 | January 6th, 2025

Welcome to EDS 123!

This is the default text size

I can apply a class selector from meds-slides-styles.scss to change the size of this text

Similarly, I can apply a class selector(s) to modify the appearance of a subset of text

You can also apply styles to blocks of content

We can use divs to apply styling to all content within the div gates (:::):

::: {.selector1 .selector2}
Some content

For example:

This text is bolded

This text is italicized

Here is some embedded & rendered code


ggplot(data = penguins, aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, color = species)) +

Alternatively, we can render just the output

You can arrange content in columns

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